Corporates hijack biodiversity talks

The UN Convention on Biodiversity COP9/MOP4 conference takes place in Bonn from 12th – 30th May, where talks will focus on how to deal with the damage caused by genetically modified crops (MOP4) and on biodiversity, agrofuels, access to genetic resources and other crucial topics (COP9). The negotiations on the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, an international agreement designed to protect biodiversity from the risks posed by the international trade in genetically modified crops, cover liability for GM contamination, and the controversial issue of genetically engineered trees. Corporate Europe Observatory will be working with the Activism Network COP 9 – bringing together small farmers and campaigners from around the world – to monitor progress at the Bonn talks. Again we will be watching the activities of the corporate lobbyists who are active at the talks - and of the corporate aligned lobbyists such as PRRI (see PRRI briefing). At COP9, agrofuels will be on the agenda. Social and environmental organisations will be calling for a moratorium on trade in agrofuels. Outside the COP, the German goverment is expected to sign an energy deal with Brazil on May 13th, boosting trade in ethanol – and undermining efforts to back sustainability. Once again, the interests of small farmers and local communities will be pitched against the biotech industry who will push to be allowed to continue in its efforts to privatise nature by creating Terminator seeds, patenting plants and denying individuals their rights.

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